Australian Slang
Crikey, mate! It's a fair dinkum to say that Aussies talk funny! Well, not funny, but different.
You've probably heard someone from Australia talk and perhaps commented about their accent and the way they spoke. While people from Australia speak English, they have a very unique vocabulary that can make a bloke cranky!
Here are some common Australian slang terms so the next time you watch a Crocodile Dundee movie, watch an old episode of the Crocodile Hunter on TV, watch the Wiggles, or listen to Olivia Newton-John speak, you may be able to understand what they are saying.

Here are some of the most used slang terms:
- Amber fluid - beer
- Ankle biter - small child
- Apples, she'll be - It'll be all right
- Arvo - the Afternoon
- Aussie(pronounced Ozzie) - Australian
- AvoAvocado
- Barbie - barbecue
- Battler - someone who works hard but just making a living
- Beaut, beauty - great or fantastic
- Bingle - motor vehicle accident
- Bikkie - A biscuit
- Bikkie - A biscuit
- Bingle - motor vehicle accident
- Bloke - man or guy
- Blue Have a- fight
- Blue, make a - make a mistake
- Boozer - a pub
- Bottle-o - Bottle Shop
- Bunnings Snag - Sausage in Bread purchased from the front of a hardware store
- Bush - anywhere that isn't in town
- Cark it - to cease functioning
- Champers - Champagne
- Chewie - chewing gum
- Chokkie - chocolate
- Chook - a chicken
- Chrissie - Christmas
- Cobber - friend
- Coldie - a beer
- Cranky - in a bad mood or be very angry
- Crikey - Christ
- Dag - a funny person, nerd or goof
- Daks - trousers
- Dead Horse - Tomato Sauce
- Dinkum, fair dinkum - true, real or genuine
- Dinky-di- the real thing
- Dipstick - a loser or idiot
- Down Under - Australia and New Zealand
- Drink with the flies - to drink alone
- Drongo - a dope or stupid person
- Durry - A Cigarette
- Earbashing - nagging, non-stop chatter
- Esky - Insulated food/drink container for picnics
- Exxy - expensive
- Fair dinkum - true or genuine
- Fair go - have a chance
- Fruit loop - fool
- Fairy Floss - Candy Floss
- Furphy - false or unreliable rumor
- G'Day - hello!
- Give it a burl - try it or have a go
- Good oil - useful information
- Good onya - good for you
- Heaps - a lot
- Holy dooley! - an exclamation of surprise
- Hoon - hooligan
- Hooroo - goodbye
- Joey - baby kangaroo
- Journo - journalist
- Kindie - kindergarten
- Knock - to criticize
- Lippy - lipstick
- Lollies -sweets or candy
- Maccas -McDonalds
- Mate -buddy or friend
- Mob - group of people
- Mongrel - despicable person
- Moolah - money
- Oldies - parents
- Outback -interior land of Australia
- Oz - Australia!
- Polly - politician
- Postie - postman
- Rapt -pleased or delighted
- Ratbag - mild insult
- Rego - vehicle registration
- Rellie or relo - family relative
- Ridgy-didge - original
- Roo - kangaroo
- Sanger - a sandwich
- Sheila - a woman
- Stoked - very pleased
- Sunbake - sunbathe
- Sunnies - sunglasses
- Tinny - can of beer
- Trackies - track suit
- Uni - university
- Waggin' school - playing truant
- Walkabout - a walk for an indefinite amount of time
- Yabber - talk a lot